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  1. Necrotizing Fasciitis Revisited
    Chow LWC, Ong CL, Png DJC, Loh TKS, Rajagopalan R
    Contemp Surg 1993; 42(3): 181-184
  2. Massive Per Rectal Bleeding From An Ulceration In A Jejunal Diverticulum
    Chow LWC, Ong CL, Png DJC
    J of Clin Gastroenterology, 1993; 17(1): 85-86
  3. Fournier’s Gangrene
    Chow LWC, Ong CL, Png DJC, Loh TKS, Rajagopalan British J of Clinical Practice 1993; 47(5):277-8.
  4. Efficacy of Leucocyte Count And Neutrophil Percentage In The Clinical Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
    Chow LWC, Loh TKS, Ong CL, Png DJC
    Asian J Surgery
  5. Gallbladder Empyema-Another Good Reason For Early Cholecystectomy
    Chow LWC, Ong CL, Png DJC, Rauff A
    R Coll Surg Edinb 1993; 38(4): 213-215
  6. Abdominal Trauma-A Review.
    Ong CL, Png DJC, Chan ST.
    Sing Med J 1994; (3): 269-70.
  7. Intusseseption of a ureteric polyp causing acute hydronephrosis.
    Png JCD, Tung KH
    Br J Urol.1995.; 73:293-4.
  8. ExtraMammary Paget’s Disease:A report of three cases and a review of the literature.
    Png JCD, Tung KH, Wong YE, Mookal N, Rajagopalan R and A Chong
    Ann Acad Singapore 1995; 24(4): 634-5.
  9. Hemospermia and urethral hemangiomas
    Png JCD, Tung KH
    Ann Acad Singapore 1995; 24(4): 636-9.
  10. Diurnal Urinary Interleukin-10(IL-10) in Infections( UTI), Bladder Cancers and during BcG Immunotherapy.
    Esuvaranathan K, Moochhala SM, Png JCD, Kour NW, Cheng WS, Tung KH.
    J Urol 1995; 154:486A.
  11. Use of Iontophoretic Anaesthesia in Urology: A preliminary experience
    Png JCD, Li MK
    Singapore Med J. 1996 Dec; 37(6): 636-8.
  12. An unusual presentation of renal cell carcinoma.
    Png JCD, Li MK
    Ann Acad Med-Singapore. 1996 Jul; 25(4): 616-8
  13. A comparative study of the distribution of Ofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin in prostatic tissues after simultaneous oral ingestion.
    Png JCD, E Tan, Foo KT, Li MK, Cheng C
    Brit J Urology1997 May; 79(5): 781-4.
  14. Surgical nutritional teams and its impact on total parenteral nutrition in the National University Hospital.
    Png JCD, Ong CL, S Chan
    Internat J Clinical Practice 1997; 51(6): 350-52.
  15. Role of PSA testing in multiphasic health screening.
    Png JC, Jarvid K, Tung KH.
    Singapore Medical Journal 1998;39(5): 193-5.
  16. Bimonthly Update Review in Reconstructive Surgery.
    Png JCD, Chapple CR
    Current Opinions in Urology 1997; 7(1): U11-13
  17. Urethral Injuries.
    Png JCD
    Surgery International, May 1997 15(5): 97-101.
  18. The effect of enteral fibre containing feeds on stool parameters in the post-surgical period.
    Khalil C, KH Ho, JC Png, Ong CL.
    Singapore Medical Journal 1998;39(4): 156-9.
    Iau P, Lim TC, Png JC, Tan WTL.
  19. Phylloides Tumor: An Update of 40 cases.
    Ann Acad Med-Singapore. 1998 ; 27(2): 200-03.
    Png JC, Chapple CR
  20. Principles of uretereic reconstruction
    Current opinions in urology 2000; 10:: 207-212.
    Png JC
  21. Update in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia
    Singapore Family Physician Journal 2000; 26(3): 56-60.
    Lee BR, Png JCD, Fabrizio M, L Liew, Jarrett TW, Kavoussi LR, Li MK.
  22. Laparoscopic telesurgery between the United States and Singapore
    Annals of Acad Med, Sing Jun 2000; 29:665-8.
    J K Tan, D J C Png, L C H Liew, M K Li, M L Wong.
  23. Prevalence of Prostatitis-like Symptoms in Singapore: A Population-Based Study
    Sing Med J 2002 Vol 43(4) 189-193.
Buku / Konferensi
  1. Loss of E cadherin, alpha, beta and gamma catenins in prostatic carcinoma.
    Png JCD, Tung KH, Chhatwal VJS , Moochhala SM, Mak K, Tan LL.
    Cancer Focus 1996.
  2. Empyema of the gall bladder: Another reason for early cholecystectomy.
    Png JCD, Ong CL, A Rauff
    Abstracts from proceedings of 24th Annual Combined Surgical Meeting 1990, Singapore. Singapore.
  3. Total parenteral nutrition: A team approach.
    Png JCD, K Mak, Ong CL, S Chan
    Abstracts from proceedings of 27th Annual Combined Surgical Meeting 1993, Singapore. Singapore.
  4. Phylloides tumor: A review.
    Png JCD, Iau P, Ong CL, A Rauff
    Abstracts from proceedings of 27th Annual Combined Surgical Meeting 1993, Singapore. Singapore.
  5. ESWL treatment of ureteric stones
    Png JCD, Tung KH.
    Abstracts from proceedings of Joint Meeting of Academies of Singapore, Malaysia and Ireland 1994, Dublin. Ireland.
  6. AUA Prostate Symptom Score : Its relation with quality of life, urinary peak flows and residual bladder volumes.
    Png JCD, Tung KH.
    Abstracts from proceedings of 1st Scientific Congress of the University Surgeons of South East Asia 1994. Singapore.
  7. Usefulness of AUA symptom score to practitioners.
    Abstracts from proceedings of 28th Annual Combined Surgical Meeting 1994. Singapore.
  8. Role of e-cadherin, alpha, beta and gamma catenins in prostatic carcinoma
    Png JCD, Tung KH, Chhatwal VJS , Moochhala SM, Mak K, Tan LL.
    Abstracts from proceedings of the Asia Pacific Congress on Cancer 1995. Singapore.
  9. The Pedicled Island Bladder Ureteroplasty(PIBU) for mid-ureteric defects.
    Chapple CR, Png JCD, Turner-Warwick RT.
    Abstracts from proceedings of the Reconstructive Urology Symposium London,1997
  10. The Use of the Dartos Subcutaneous Flap to Fill Dead Space.
    Png JCD, Klinger C, Chapple CR
    Abstracts from proceedings of the Reconstructive Urology Symposium London,1997
    In 4th Asian Congress in Urology, 17-20th September 1998, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, pp 89, 1998
  11. Esuvaranathan K, SM Moochala, Png JC, Kour NW, Wai SC, Tung KH. Diurnal urinary interleukin-10 and interleukin-6 in patients with urinary tract infections , bladder cancers and during BcG immunotherapy. In 90th Annual Meeting, American Urological Association, April 1995. Pp #1030:486A. J Urol 1995.
  12. Png JC, Cutinha P, Chapple CR. The use of the dartos subcutaneous flap to fill dead space. In 4th Asian Congress in Urology, 17-20th September 1998, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, pp 190, 1998.
  13. Png JC, Goh PMY, Li MK. Needlescopic varicocelectomy-a new advance. In 4th Asian Congress in Urology, 17-20th September 1998, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, pp 162, 1998.
  14. Png JC, Li MK. Use of Iontophoretic anaesthesia in urology: A preliminary experience. In 4th Asian Congress in Urology, 17-20th September 1998, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, pp 134, 1998.
  15. Png JC, K Jarvid, Tung KH. Role of PSA testing in multiphasic health screening. In 4th Asian Congress in Urology, 17-20th September 1998, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, pp 89, 1998.
  16. Chong YL, Png JCD, Li MK. Needlescopic varicocelectomy – A new approach. 3rd NUH – Faculty of Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 1999, 28 – 29 August, 1999.
  17. L C H, Lewis, Png J C, Li Ben, Fabrizio Mike, Li Man Kay, Kavourssi Louis. Laparoscopic telesurgery between the United States and Singapore. 3rd NUH – Faculty of Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 1999, 28 – 29 August, 1999.
  18. LCH Liew, DJC Png, WK Cheah, MK Li, A Rauff. Arteriovenous grafts for haemodialysis in chronic renal failure : Ten years’ experience in a University Hospital. 3rd NUH – Faculty of Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 1999, 28 – 29 August, 1999.
  19. Png JCD, Wee S, Wong M L, Liew L, Tan J, Gwee K A, Nathan K, Li M K. A population based study of the urge syndrome and its relationship with anxiety, sleep and health seeking behaviour in Singapore women. 3rd NUH – Faculty of Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 1999, 28 – 29 August, 1999.
  20. Phone Myint, Li M K, K Esuvaranathan, Png JCD, Lewis Liew, Su Hsien Wen, Daniel. Ureteric colic: What is the best modality for diagnosis? 3rd NUH – Faculty of Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 1999, 28 – 29 August, 1999.
  21. James K N Tan, Damian JC Png, L Liew, M K Li : The International Index of Erectile Function, a scoring and staging system for the evaluation of the prevalence and severity of erectile dysfunction. Annual Combined Surgical Meeting, November 1999.
  22. James K. N. Tan,C Y Hong, Damian J C Png, Sharon Wee, L Liew : Erectile Dysfunction : A Study on The Knowledge , Health Belief And Health Seeking Behaviour Of Elderly Males In Singapore. Malaysian Urological Association Annual Meeting Penang, December 1999.
  23. James K. N. Tan, C Y Hong, D J C Png, S Wee, L Liew : A Population-Based Study On the Prevalence Of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) In An Asian Population : Preliminary Results Malaysian Urological Association Annual Meeting, Penang, December 1999.
  24. Damian J C Png, Sharon Wee, Wong Mee Lian, Lewis Liew, James Tan, Gwee Kok Ann, Esuvaranathan Kesavan, M K Li : A population-based study of the urge syndrome and its relationship with quality of life anxiety, sleep and health seeking behaviour in Singapore women. Malaysian Urological Association Annual Meeting Penang, December 1999.
  25. James K N Tan, Damian J C Png, Lewis C H Liew, M K Li : Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction (Ed) in an Asian Population : A Population-Based Study. Singapore Urological Association Meeting Sentosa, January 2000.
  26. Christopher Chee, Damian J C Png, James Tan, Lewis Liew, Esuvaranathan Kesavan, M K Li : A population-based screening of Prostate Cancer in Singapore. Singapore Urological Association Meeting Sentosa, January 2000.
  27. Lewis Liew, Damian J C Png, James Tan, Esuvaranathan Kesavan, M K Li : A population-based Study on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in elderly Singapore males. Singapore Urological Meeting Meeting Sentosa, January 2000.
  28. James K N Tan, Damian J C Png, Lewis C H Liew, M K Li : Decline of Sexual Desire, Activity And Erectile Function And Their Impact On Quality of Life In Aging Singapore Males. Abstracts of the 2nd World Congress on the Ageing Male, Geneva, February 2000.
  29. D Png, Benjamin Lee, Jay T Bishoff, M K Li, Gunter Janetschek, P Bunyaratavej, W Kamolpronwijit, L Kavoussi & J B Brady. Video : A novel method of surgical instruction international telementoring . Abstracts of the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, May 2000.
  30. Png JCD, Christopher Chapple
    Chapter on Urolume stents in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
    Stenting the Urinary System 2nd Edition. Edited by YachiaD, Paterson PJ. Published by Martin Dunitz. 2004
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